Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Just Throwing It Out There

Hey All,

A few people have been asking for my mailing address and phone number while in Bolivia.

I am trying to get my USA cell phone rigged so that it will work in Bolivia and I will be able to receive calls on it. If that works, I will get it out to you all, but until then, my phone number is


Call, and just say Puedo Hablar Con Patricio

If I am not there, just say something like Bueno, Me llamo (your name goes here. Voy a llamar mas tarde.

I know CVS has a good Latin American calling card, and Walgreen perhaps as well. I am not sure about Savon, also, for any computer savy people, SKYPE allows you to make calls from your computer (something like 2 cents a minute).

And just remember, I am on East Coast Time, at least until day light savings, when Bolivia springs forward an hour, and the USA falls back an hour.

In terms of mailing address, it is:

Patrick Furlong
Instituto de Idiomas Maryknoll
Casilla 550
Cochabamba, Bolivia

Just keep in mind I can only receive letters or items under 2 kilos (you do the math, because I don´t know)or else the Bolivian government charges me a huge amount of taxes. So keep that in mind...

That´s all. I will post a real blog sometime later this week, perhaps about my Monday Night Futbol Experience.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol...FYI 2 Kilos is 4.4 pounds...